The Literary Club

10-12 December, Downtown Conference Center, New York

About The Event

Events in Year 2020-21

Events are pick up the lines of community

1. Group Discussion

An Intra collegiate Group Discussion was held on the Topic ’21 days now….40 the next Milestone…Is the decision
a Favourable one for India’.
The topic was discussed with numerous current affairs to bring students closer to the changing situation during a pandemic.

Venue : Zoom application

Open to all the students of PCCOER. There were 100 registrations

Date: : 18 April, 2020

2. Intercollegiate Debate

An Intra collegiate Group Debate was held on the Topic ’Should the Economy be reopened with age or Immunity restrictions’. The topic was debated well by students from different colleges like, the DY Patil Engineering College, Sanjeevani College and many others.

Venue :Google Meet Intercollegiate, 80 registrations

Date: : 30April, 2020

3. Gamification: E intercollegiate Extempore

An E-Intercollegiate Extempore was conducted as a part of the Online Techno-spark 2020 event. The registrations saw more than 140 registrations from various colleges in Pune. On the day of the event 50 percent of the registered students appeared online for their impromptu speech.

Venue : Google Meet Open to all the students Intercollegiate, 140 registrations

Date: May 29 and 30, 2020

4.Poetry writing Competition,

English, Marathi Hindi: An Inter-collegiate Poetry Writing Competition in Marathi, Hindi and English was held between the 23July to 27th July, 2020. The students had to register on Google Forms and upload the poems on the site. There were many good entries. Dr Sameer Sawarkar, the Head of the Dept of Civil selected the winners in Hindi and Marathi Poetry Writing while Vithika Siddhabhatti from MITAOE selected the winners in English Poetry Writing.

Entry Moder : Google Registration Forms,

Open to all the students of PCCOER. There were 100 registrations

Intercollegiate Date:July 22-27, 2020

5.Poetry recitation Slam poetry Competition

English, Marathi Hindi: An Inter-collegiate Poetry recitation /Slam poetry Competition in Marathi, Hindi and English was held on October 1, 2020. The students had to register on Google Forms. There were 13 entries. The poems were well recited with great enthusiasm and vigour. The literary club members Pranjal, Tanuja and Jayashree hosted the show.

Entry Moder : Google Registration Forms,

Open to all the students of PCCOER. There were 100 registrations

Intercollegiate Date:October 1, 2020

6. Open Mic for PCCOER Faculty

An Open Mic was hosted by the literary Club members for the Faculty on the 11th of November 2020 as PreDiwali celebrations.

Entry Moder : Google Registration Forms,

Open to all the students of PCCOER. There were 100 registrations

Intercollegiate Date:November11, 2020

7.Open Mic An event to promote expressions for all SE TE and BE students:

An Open Mic was held for the Students by the members of the Literary club on January 19,2021 The objective was to provide a platform to express. There were numerous poems, thoughts and speeches by the participants.

8. Freshers Open MIC:

An Open Mic was held for the First year Engineering students on March 27, 2021. The objective was to provide a platform to express. There were numerous poems, speeches and songs by the participants. The program began with a song by Vedant Mule. Nandita Nikam from the Computer Dept spoke on Ethical Hacking. It was followed by Raag Bhimpalas on the harmonium by Sanskruti. Neeraj Kulkarni was able to create musical sounds of different instruments using his vocal cords.